Student Health Services
My responsibilities included overseeing all internal and external communications for Student Health Services (renamed University Health Services in 2021) at the University of South Carolina, Columbia campus. Student Health Services provides primary care, women’s health, sports medicine, counseling, psychiatry, and wellness services to more than 35,000 students.
COVID-19 Communications
UofSC student body president Issy Rushton, 2020-2021, delivers a special health and wellness message to university students about the fall 2020 semester and Covid-19 and takes viewers of a virtual tour of the health center. Video production by As Told By.
COVID-19 Social Media Communications
Indoor and Outdoor Signage
Handouts for Students, Faculty and Staff
Crisis Communications
Timely and emotionally sensitive crisis communications are critical following a death on campus.
Flu Vaccine Campaign 2019-2020
Student designer/Illustrator: Olivia Griffin
Graduate assistant: Savannah Ament
Fight the Flu Campaign 2020-2021
Student designer/photographer: Emma Kontir
Graduate assistant: Laurel Pulling